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Turkey Has Broken the Historical Record of Real Estate Sales to Foreigner

Turkey Has Broken the Historical Record of Real Estate Sales to Foreigner

Turkey is a developing country with its economic development, education capacity and other increasing social and cultural capacities. Thus, to become a Turkish citizen is now more valuable than ever. Due to these dynamics, Turkey has been an immigrant receiver country for the last 25 years. Turkey, also gives citizenship status to foreigners easier than other European countries. Here is the guide for how to get Turkish citizenship from Turkey:

How to Get Turkish Citizenship 

Turkey gives citizenship status to the foreigners into two way: citizenship by birth and citizenship through the application.

1. Way to Get Turkish Citizenship by Birth

If a baby is born from a Turkish mother or father, the baby can get Turkish citizenship. Another way is through birthplace, if a baby whose parents are unknown or stateless, is born in Turkey, the baby can get Turkish citizenship.

2. Way to Get Turkish Citizenship Through Application

Foreigners can apply for Turkish citizenship by completing the criteria in the below:

  • Being an Adult

The person must be an adult according to its own country’s constitution. If the person is stateless, the person must be adult according to the Turkish constitution.

  • Live in Turkey

The person must live at least five years before the application date.

  • Show Intention to Live in Turkey

The person must prove his/her intention to live in Turkey by meeting some of the conditions. This criterion is the most important condition. There are some ways to prove the intention to live in Turkey by making property or capital investment. Here is the guide for how to get Turkish nationality through investment:

Real Estate Investment

If a foreigner makes an investment through buying real estates like house, office or land worth of at least $250.000, he or she can get Turkish citizenship through property investment. Before the adjustment in the citizenship law in 2018, the minimum property limit was $1.000.000 to get Turkish citizenship through buying immovable assets. Thus, this reduction is a good opportunity for investors to both make investment and to get Turkish citizenship easily. However, the foreigner who becomes a Turkish citizen can't sell his or her property for three years after citizenship date.

Capital Investment

If a foreigner makes a capital investment in Turkey worth of at least $500.000, he or she can apply for citizenship. Also, buying government bonds worth of $500.000 enables a foreigner to apply for citizenship.

Business Establishment

If a foreigner establishes a business in Turkey that employs at least 50 people, he or she can apply and get Turkish citizenship.


The foreigner who applies for citizenship must not have health conditions that endanger society.


To have good morality, to be a trustable person and not to have bad addictions.

Speaking Turkish

To be able to speak Turkish in a necessary and desired level.

Economic Capacity

To have the economic capacity or a job to take care of himself/herself and his/her family.

Not to be a Threat

Not to be a threat to Turkish national security and social order.


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