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The Relevant Turkey Citizenship by Investment Requirements

The Relevant Turkey Citizenship by Investment Requirements

Turkey, the land of cultural diversity, has become one of the most admirable countries to live in. Its beautiful weather with the best outdoor living facilities has made it a magnet for all. Especially for foreign investors, Turkey has become the hub for them to inhabit.

So if you are looking to settle in Turkey, then Citizenship by Investment (CBI) is the perfect way to do it. Turkey citizenship by investment requirements not only makes it an easy and humble process, but it also allows you some of the most attractive benefits that is too good to ignore!


The Turkey Citizenship by Investment Requirements for a Faster Grant

To attain your Turkish citizenship through a real estate investment program, you need to first acquire a property worth $250,000 in Turkey’s real estate. This acquisition makes you eligible for a Turkish passport. This is the main feature of Turkey’s investment program.

According to the Turkish CBI program, you are required to invest at least $500,000 at a Turkish bank and hold it for three years. This helps in the issue of your certificate of conformity from the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency.

To achieve your citizenship and passport in Turkey, you can also buy $500,000 government bonds. By engaging in fixed capital investment it can help in triggering your registration process.

The turkey citizenship by investment requirements also highlights certain other facts. To get registered in the CBI program, you first need to be above the age of 18, and also be the owner of a valid passport.

As an investor, you are required to have a clean criminal record. Any history of criminal offence will lead to the cancelation of your attempt in getting a Turkish passport and becoming a citizen.

These criteria make it easier and faster for you to avail for your Turkey citizenship and passport.

The Guidelines of Turkey Citizenship by Investment Requirements

To get enrolled for the CBI program, you first need to have certain documents. Things like a copy of your passport, biometric photographs, birth and marriage certificates, health insurance, and power of attorney. You also need to fill in the application forms given to you with respect to the Citizenship by Investment process.

Perks of Having a Turkish Citizenship

Once you become a Turkish citizen through the investment program, you can exercise a wide variety of benefits. Some of them are:

  • Able to enjoy dual citizenship
  • Having visa-free travel to more than 100 countries
  • Automatic grant of citizenship to your family
  • Finest healthcare and insurance benefits
  • Right to education

Other Ways to Get Your Turkish Citizenship

If you are unsure about real estate investment, then the next best thing for you to do is to get your Turkish passport by creating jobs. According to the revised Turkish CBI program, you are requested to start a company in Turkey by employing at least 50 people. This requirement makes you eligible for a Turkish passport.

The final option for you to get your Turkish citizenship granted is by making a capital investment. By depositing the decreed amount of $500,000 in a Turkish bank gives you the privilege to possess your very own Turkish passport.

Citizenship through Real Estate Investment Is the Perfect Plan

Although the above two ways can get you your citizenship approved, the turkey Citizenship by investment requirements is a better and more sensible option for an international investor. With a constant incline in property sales, it makes it certain that more and more people are willing to settle in Turkey, and get their citizenship confirmed through investment strategies.

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