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Average Housing Price in Turkey is 2 Million 146 Thousand 950 TL

Average Housing Price in Turkey is 2 Million 146 Thousand 950 TL

As of the end of February, the Average Housing Price in Turkey is 2 Million 146 Thousand 950 TL

According to TURKSTAT figures, there were 80,031 house sales in Turkey in February. Housing sales decreased by 18% compared to the previous month and by 18% compared to the same month of the previous year. According to Endeksa’s reliable real estate valuation results using artificial intelligence and big data analysis, there was a 162% annual increase in housing sales prices in Turkey as of February. The provinces with the highest annual increase were Kocaeli, Antalya, and Tekirdağ, respectively.

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The average housing square meter sales price in Turkey is 16,515 TL, the average housing price is 2,146,950 TL, and the return period for housing investment is 16 years. Housing sales in Turkey decreased by 18% compared to the previous month and by 18% compared to the same month of the previous year, with a total of 80,031 sales in February.

Istanbul Tops Housing Sales with 19%

In February, Istanbul had the highest share with 14,980 house sales and 19%. Ankara followed with 8,235 house sales and 10% share, while İzmir followed with 5,031 house sales and 6% share. According to Endeksa’s data, as of the end of February, there was a 156% increase in housing sales prices in Istanbul, the average housing square meter sales price was 25,882 TL, and the average housing price was 3,105,840 TL. In Ankara, housing prices increased by 159% in the last year, the average housing square meter sales price was 12,194 TL, and the average housing price was 1,646,190 TL. In İzmir, there was a 160% annual increase, the average housing square meter sales price was 21,043 TL, and the average housing price was 2,735,590 TL.

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Kocaeli Tops with 181% Annual Increase

According to Endeksa’s data, when the top 30 provinces with the highest number of housing sales in February were evaluated, the provinces with the highest annual increase were Kocaeli, Antalya, and Tekirdağ, respectively. Housing prices in Kocaeli increased by 181% in the last year, the average housing square meter sales price was 14,340 TL, and the average housing price was 1,892,880 TL; housing sales prices increased by 176% in Antalya, the average housing square meter sales price was 23,596 TL, and the average housing price was 2,831,520 TL; and housing sales prices increased by 165% in Tekirdağ, the average housing square meter sales price was 12,050 TL, and the average housing price was 1,638,800 TL.

Mortgage Housing Sales were 17,357

Mortgage housing sales in Turkey increased by 7% compared to the previous month and decreased by 13% compared to the same month of the previous year, reaching 17,357. The share of mortgage sales in total housing sales was 22%.

First-Hand Housing Sales Decreased by 19% to 23,476

In Turkey, the number of first-hand housing sales decreased by 19% compared to the same month of the previous year, reaching 23,476. The share of first-hand housing sales in total housing sales was 29%.

Second-Hand Housing Sales Decreased by 18% to 56,555

In February, second-hand housing sales decreased by 18% compared

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